How can you help ?

Provide additional data and information

We're always looking for new information & data related to font formats & hinting in general. Please feel free to contribute if you know a format that could be added to our Available Data section, or an article that relates to these subjects. Note that information related on patents is also welcomed !

Provide new ideas

We're also looking at all kinds of ideas regarding the topic of automatic hinting. If you think you have something that we don't, feel free to inform us. Join our mailing list at:

to join the fun !

Comment and Discuss

The reason why our research and progress is posted publicly on the web and the mailing list is to enable dicussion, review, ideas, etc... If there is something that you think could be improved in a new and unique way, please join us and share. We want the FreeType Auto-Hinter to be as good, fast and simple as possible.

Page maintained by David Turner